Kotlet or Cutlet... Whatever... Its delicious!
("????" : Persian word for cutlet)
It's not a cutlet, its a hamburger. I know.. I couldn't find any good icon of it online.. so yeah! It is what it is.. try to live with it.
This repo is a sample android application made by Kotlin and only one Java POJO file for the ones who love Kotlin but don't want to leave Java. The base idea was to make a sample application using Kotlin lang with the following features:
- MVP architecture
- Dependency injection using Dagger2
- Rest calls using Okhttp + Retrofit
- RxJava2 calls
Project structure
Its more about the kotlin lang itself and how to use these libraries with it. no fancy ui implemented yet but may be in future. I will add more features soon.Doc Collections
I've collected some good stuff that would help you learn Kotlin in android.
Checkout Wiki
Any contributions are welcome. just fork it and submit your changes to your fork and then create a pull request. or if you have any ideas or issues just submit them in Issues tab.
I used
- JsonPlaceholder as test api server
- BRVAH for a quick implementation of adapters.
- ...