Minion for Android
Minion is a handy group-key-value data storage library, powered by INI format. Let you parse and store INI format. Designed with modern fluent interface.
Add dependency
compile 'com.tomclaw.minion:minion:1.0.2'
Create anync Minion for file
FileStorage storage = FileStorage.create(file);
Minion minion = Minion.lets()
.async(new ResultCallback() {
void onReady(Minion minion) {
// Data successfully loaded.
void onFailure(Exception ex) {
// Something went wrond.
Save data to specified storage.;
Also, if you created Minion async
, you may listen for operation result with callback. ResultCallback() {
void onReady(Minion minion) {
// Data successfully saved.
void onFailure(Exception ex) {
// Something went wrond.
Parse INI from string
Parses INI from specified string synchronously.
Readable storage = StringStorage.create("[group]\nkey=value\nkey2=value2");
Minion minion = Minion.lets()
Set values for specified group and key
If no such group or key exist, they will be created.
minion.setValue("user", "name", "Michael");
It's also extremely easy to set an array of values.
minion.setValue("music", "genres", "Classical", "Lounge", "Dance", "Pop");
Get values for specified group and key
If no such group exist, it will be created.
String name = minion.getValue("user", "name");
Or you can obtain array of values.
String[] genres = genresminion.getValues("music", "genres");
Get all groups
Returns all group names.
Set<String> names = minion.getGroupNames();
Returns all groups with records.
List<IniGroup> groups = minion.getGroups();
Remove record
Of course, you may just simply remove key and value. Function removeRecord
will return removed record. If it doesn't exist, method will return null
IniRecord record = minion.removeRecord("user", "name");
Remove group
Minion allows to remove whole group of records too. Function removeGroup
will return removed group with removed records. If it doesn't exist, method will return null
IniGroup group = minion.removeGroup("music");
How it works
Minion based on stupidly simple plain-text INI format, it parses, compiles and deliver access blazingly fast. Library is extra-lightweight (~25Kb) and contain no any dependencies. You can use Minion to store some prefs or form-specific data. Simply than ever.
Copyright 2017 Igor Solkin Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.