#Pdfium Android( >= API Level 9 ) binding Use pdfium library from AOSP
The demo app is here
* Push to Maven Central
The AndroidTagGroup is a layout for a set of tags.You can use it to group people, books or anything you want.
Create a simple and more understandable Android logs.
CatLog is a free and open-source log reader for Android.
It shows a scrolling (tailed) view of the Android "Logcat" system log, hence the goofy name. It also allows you to record logs in real time, send logs via email, and filter using a variety of criteria.
Simply pass a url to play youtube video on new activity. It supports screen orientation, media volume control and etc.
The design goals of this project are as follows:
Android simple listview by using linearlayout. Behavior is the same except no scrollable, thus you can use it freely in scrollview. It is very basic implementation, you should not use for the huge list.