#Pdfium Android( >= API Level 9 ) binding Use pdfium library from AOSP
The demo app is here
* Push to Maven Central
This is an extension for the mosby library. It contains a few default activities and fragments which are often used in android development (e.g. Activity with Toolbar, Activity with Tabs, Fragment with RecyclerView, ...)
A simple way to bind and exchange messages between activities and services.
Acacia lets you use Android Services as Plain Old Java Objects (POJO's) by defining an interface and its implementing class. All the wiring around bound services, service connection and threading is automatically handled. Also having the service implementation and the actual Android Service instance as separate classes, allows them to be easily tested.
A very easy-to-use and non-intrusive implement of Swipe to dismiss for RecyclerView
Android Spinner Widget with multi selectable list.
Library for unique identification of an Android device. Provides also a backup solution