In this kotlin android project; okhttp retrofit and rxjava2 libraries used.
Source link: https://github.com/tekinarslan/RxJavaKotlinSample
Q & A
Generates broilerplate code for intent and bundle builders and parsers. Autogeneration of this code at compile time ensures type-safety.
An android library that makes it easy to add custom fonts to edittexts and textviews.
Content provider generator for android that uses annotation processing.
Typesafe way to use intents and bundles in android.
Masked-Edittext android library EditText widget wrapper add masking and formatting input text functionality.
AndResGuard is a tool to proguard resource for Android, just like ProGuard in Java. It can change res/drawable/wechat to r/d/a, and rename the resource file wechat.png to a.png. Finally, it repackages the apk with 7zip, which can reduce the package size obviously.
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