In this kotlin android project; okhttp retrofit and rxjava2 libraries used.
Source link: https://github.com/tekinarslan/RxJavaKotlinSample
Q & A
The widgets (EditText
and TextView
) for support of money requirements like currency, number formatting, comma formatting etc.
RxTasks is a lightweight wrapper for the GMS Tasks API, more commonly recognized when using asynchronous results from Firebase requests.
Typically the Tasks API would allow you to add listeners that may be scoped to an activity or executor, however this is not needed since scheduling and Disposable's are handled by the user.
Please note that this library uses RxJava2 so calls must respect Completable and Single chains.
BatchMan (short for batch manager) is an android library implementation responsible for batching of events based on the configurations done by the client, and giving the batch back to the client.
A memory monitor on Android.
A simple Android library for orienting views right-side up in an Activity with static orientation.
A tool to automate the gathering of profiling and benchmarking information for Gradle builds.
Q & A