Synthesize is an android library which can create layout images in background threads, services, etc without inflating them in activity or fragments.
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Synthesize is an android library which can create layout images in background threads, services, etc without inflating them in activity or fragments.
The Expandable RecyclerView is a library written to allow for an expanded view to be attached to each ViewHolder. To allow for full functionality of a normal RecyclerView in both the parent ViewHolder and the expanded child ViewHolder, the recyclerview has been modified to use two types of ViewHolders, a child and a parent with the ability to customize each separately.
Custom fonts without writing code.
Easy way to bind collections to listviews and recyclerviews with the new Android Data Binding framework.
Android displaying bitmaps library.
Create an header for NavigationView
Annotation processor to create immutable objects and builders. Feels like Guava's immutable collections but for regular value objects. JSON, Jackson, Gson, JAX-RS, MongoDB integrations included.