Synthesize is an android library which can create layout images in background threads, services, etc without inflating them in activity or fragments.
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Synthesize is an android library which can create layout images in background threads, services, etc without inflating them in activity or fragments.
Q & A
CountryCurrencyPicker is an android picker library for country and / or currency. You can implement it as fragment or dialog. It offers the option to search for country values and / or currency values.
Generic Recycler View Adapter that supports multiple layout implementations in a single Recycler View.
Yeoman Generator for Android Conductor based apps. It's simple much better than cloning and refactoring your project manually.
A library, based on Google's Volley library, that makes android HTTP requests easier and requires no boiler plate code that volley usually needs.
CustomVolleyRequester is used to make developer's lives easier. Making HTTP calls is a common requirement for most apps and we believe that using it does not require the developer to repeat the initialization process each time. With CustomVolleyRequester, all you need to do is specify the request fields needed for your request, give it the desired model class to be returned, and the library will deliver your model.
A tiny, fully extensible MVP implementation for Android in pure Java, which goal is to provide common interfaces for tests that need to easily mock Views and Presenters.
An android pagination library.
Q & A