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Unity3D is a cross-platform game engine with a built-in IDE developed by Unity Technologies. It is used to develop video games for web plugins, desktop platforms, consoles and mobile devices.
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Unity3D is a cross-platform game engine with a built-in IDE developed by Unity Technologies. It is used to develop video games for web plugins, desktop platforms, consoles and mobile devices.
JealousSky is an efficient library to encrypt and decrypt data for Android.
With JealousSky is possible to decrypt simple String or even image files.
ImageFileSelector allows to choose picture and crop it.
Unofficial Material Up API Wrapper for Android.
An AutocompleteTextView
that interacts with the Google Maps Places API to provide location results and caches selected results in a history file for later use,
A set of Android tools that facilitate apps development.
Makes it easy to put your asynchronous operations behind Android's Loader.