VideoCompression Compressing 25Mb videofile to 1Mb
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VideoCompression Compressing 25Mb videofile to 1Mb
Q & A
Android Runtime Permissions Library to support Android 6.0+
NetSugar is an Android + AOP framework. It was a way of Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ(ApsectJ 5) on Android. It is an easy-use and lightweight framework to check network state.
Utilities for using RxJava with Realm.
Snacky is a small library to help you adding a Snackbar to your layout with ease. Snacky uses an easy builder pattern to build a Snackbar and gives you some template designs like ERROR, WARNING, INFO and SUCCESS as well as some customization options.
Android layout to show most common state templates like loading, empty, error etc. To do that all you need to is wrap the target area(view) with StatefulLayout
Rx2Animations is a library with the main goal to make android animations more solid and cohesive.
Q & A