VideoCompression Compressing 25Mb videofile to 1Mb
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VideoCompression Compressing 25Mb videofile to 1Mb
A rule based AI engine to simplify design of AIs for games in particular. DSL included!
An observable Finite State Machine for Java.
Useful when you have a number of distinct states, with some optional state transitions, and associated actions.
For example, you may have states ON_CALL
, with triggers START_CALL
, with an assocoated action to print the call length when END_CALL
is received.
An Implementation of WebView with Ad-blocked Interface. Blocks Banner And Video Apps From Web Page
Eleven music player (CyanogenMod) - compatible with Android version > 14.
SQLite Connection for Android. ORM tool for Android devices. First ORM with Geometric-Spatial data support for Android operating systems.
UPDATE 1.0.3 -> There is relational table support. OneToOne and OneToMany are fully supported.
Signin and Signup in single Screen using PercentRelativeLayout. A new way to onboard users using interactive signin and signup screen.