An Android custom animation on collapsing toolbar that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style
See Video https://youtu.be/xM_jEN5Ry6Q
Source link: https://github.com/anton46/WhatsApp-ProfileCollapsingToolbar
An Android custom animation on collapsing toolbar that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style
See Video https://youtu.be/xM_jEN5Ry6Q
'Path' has a very attractive menu sitting on the left bottom corner of the screen. Satellite Menu is the open version of this menu.
Python script to highlight adb logcat output in console.
The HttpResponseCache library provides transparent and automatic caching of HTTP and HTTPS requests that use the java.net.HttpUrlConnection classes.
For information on how to use HttpUrlConnection, refer to the Android documentation - don't worry, the information also applies to non-Android Java.
Smooth activity switch animation.
PoppyView is a library which implements view on the bottom which come and go relative to the user scroll.
Just add the library to your application as a library project. And don't forget that your project must use NineOldAndroids.
A small library replicating the new dialogs in Android L.