An Android custom animation on collapsing toolbar that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style
See Video https://youtu.be/xM_jEN5Ry6Q
Source link: https://github.com/anton46/WhatsApp-ProfileCollapsingToolbar
An Android custom animation on collapsing toolbar that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style
See Video https://youtu.be/xM_jEN5Ry6Q
RxJava common usage scenarios.
RxJava implementation for the Android Firebase client.
A combination of custom CollapsibleToolbar
and Collapsing Text to give you the same effect as App Bar Layout from the Design support library sans the use of a Toolbar
A Small BigDecimal Comparison and Calculation Utility for Java and Android.
PrefCompat is a wrapper over the SharedPreference
class in Android. It supports storing objects other than the standard primitives while decreasing the boiler plate code.
An Android Library for the creation of SendTo
Intents with mailto: