Sample Code and Directory of libraries for Android Developers
LastPagerAdapter eliminates the need to write long, boilerplate Adapters for ViewPagers by using simple, concise API. Uses Android Data Binding. Supports both Java and Kotlin. Written in Kotlin.
Built upon the handwave library, this library uses the front camera to detect when hand motions are detected as hitting a border for left, right, up, and down or a click overtop your phone's front facing camera. It works for modern devices, uses OpenCV, and the camera feed is translucent.
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, GreenDao, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView.
Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging.
Fast and simple URL parsing for Java, with UTF-8 and path resolving support.
- Easy to use API - you just want to parse a URL after all.
- Fast, 4+ million URLs per second on commodity hardware.
- UTF-8 encoding and decoding.
- Supports path resolving between URLs (absolute and relative).
- Supports IPv4 and IPv6.
- No external dependencies.
NoNet is an Android library for monitoring network connectivity.
Android close pixelate allows you easily create and combine various pixelation effects. The library is super lightweight and easy to use.
This library unifies the user contacts in a compact and user intuitive way allowing the end-user to choose between the contact's available communication options (email/phone number) following Material Design guidelines.
Although there is a standard way to call the contact list in Android, it does not always feel well-integrated in your app Android applications. UnifiedContactPicker is an Android library which allows you to easily integrate contact picking workflow into your application with minimal effort.
This is a powerful little tool that helps converting single or batches of images to Android, iOS, Windows and CSS specific formats and density versions given the source scale factor or target width/height in dp.
It has a graphical and command line interface and supports a wide array of image types for reading and conversion including PNG, JPEG, SVG, PSD and Android 9-patches. Using sophisticated scaling algorithms, it is designed to make conversion of images easy and fast while keeping the image quality high (comparable to PS). To further optimize the output post processors like pngcrush and mozJpeg can be used.
Android Piano Chart View for music theory / music apps.
Android Attitude view for drones, airplanes, rovs and mobile robots.
FireLayout is a CoordinatorLayout
linked to its reference on your Firebase Real-Time Database. You can generate your own layout through firebase console.
WaveFileGenerator class let's you generate wave files for specified frequency in android.
Show you connection status view.
Android busybox library.
A RecyclerView Adapter which allows you to have an Infinite scrolling list in your apps. This library offers you a custom adapter to use with any recycler view. You get a callback when the user is about to reach the bottom (or top, depending on your configuration), of the list, which you can use to load more data. You can also customize what the loading view at the bottom of the list looks like.
StayWoke essentially has two features:
- Keep the screen awake while on specified activities using
- Wake up the screen as soon as your app gets deployed on to the phone using
Banner slider is an easy to use library for implement image sliders in android apps.
EqualsVerifier can be used in Java unit tests to verify whether the contract for the equals and hashCode methods in a class is met.
A simple cache for android and java.
2D Engines 3D Engines 9-Patch Action Bars Activities ADB Advertisements Analytics Animations ANR AOP API APK APT Architecture Audio Autocomplete Background Processing Backward Compatibility Badges Bar Codes Benchmarking Bitmaps Bluetooth Blur Effects Bread Crumbs BRMS Browser Extensions Build Systems Bundles Buttons Caching Camera Canvas Cards Carousels Changelog Checkboxes Cloud Storages Color Analysis Color Pickers Colors Comet/Push Compass Sensors Conferences Content Providers Continuous Integration Crash Reports Credit Cards Credits CSV Curl/Flip Data Binding Data Generators Data Structures Database Database Browsers Date & Debugging Decompilers Deep Links Dependency Injections Design Design Patterns Dex Dialogs Distributed Computing Distribution Platforms Download Managers Drawables Emoji Emulators EPUB Equalizers & Event Buses Exception Handling Face Recognition Feedback & File System File/Directory Fingerprint Floating Action Fonts Forms Fragments FRP FSM Functional Programming Gamepads Games Geocaching Gestures GIF Glow Pad Gradle Plugins Graphics Grid Views Highlighting HTML HTTP Mocking Icons IDE IDE Plugins Image Croppers Image Loaders Image Pickers Image Processing Image Views Instrumentation Intents Job Schedulers JSON Keyboard Kotlin Layouts Library Demos List View List Views Localization Location Lock Patterns Logcat Logging Mails Maps Markdown Mathematics Maven Plugins MBaaS Media Menus Messaging MIME Mobile Web Native Image Navigation NDK Networking NFC NoSQL Number Pickers OAuth Object Mocking OCR Engines OpenGL ORM Other Pickers Parallax List Parcelables Particle Systems Password Inputs PDF Permissions Physics Engines Platforms Plugin Frameworks Preferences Progress Indicators ProGuard Properties Protocol Buffer Pull To Purchases Push/Pull QR Codes Quick Return Radio Buttons Range Bars Ratings Recycler Views Resources REST Ripple Effects RSS Screenshots Scripting Scroll Views SDK Search Inputs Security Sensors Services Showcase Views Signatures Sliding Panels Snackbars SOAP Social Networks Spannable Spinners Splash Screens SSH Static Analysis Status Bars Styling SVG System Tags Task Managers TDD & Template Engines Testing Testing Tools Text Formatting Text Views Text Watchers Text-to Toasts Toolkits For Tools Tooltips Trainings TV Twitter Updaters USB User Stories Utils Validation Video View Adapters View Pagers Views Watch Face Wearable Data Wearables Weather Web Tools Web Views WebRTC WebSockets Wheel Widgets Wi-Fi Widgets Windows Wizards XML XMPP YAML ZIP Codes