Small simple android calendar implementation
Time-Square is the ultimate calendar but a but hard to customize The alternative Caldroid is based on really unclean code, hard to change, hard to test. Also it is used custom selection logic instead of using selection and disabled states of the views.
This one is
- a simple view, not a fragment
- item layout xml provided by developer, not included
- supports i8n by different starting days of week
- support selection (style via xml selected state)
- shows last/first days of surrounding months where needed (row count configurable, style via xml disabled-state)
- marks today
- supports adding custom view holder and adapters but not needed (see styled_sample)
- no multiselect
- no right-to-left (in progress)
It is just the month widget, no navigation or similar.
testCompile ''
Quick start:
Add the 'CalendarWidget' to your layout. Call
calendarWidget.set( new CalendarBuilder(R.layout.calendar_item_layout, R.layout.calendar_header_layout));
or set more implicit the shown month:
calendarWidget.set( CalendarDataFactory.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()).create(date, ROWS), new CalendarBuilder(R.layout.calendar_item_layout, R.layout.calendar_header_layout));
where date is a date for the month to show and ROWS an int naming the number of rows to be shown (6 is default, 4 should be minimum)
The layouts must have the following items:
the header layout (day names) must contain one textView with id '' (see the 'ids.xml') the content (day numbers) must contain: a 'TextView' with id '' and any kind of 'View' with id '' that will be used to set selected state (and disabled state for start/end of non-current month date)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout
android:background="@drawable/custom_calendar_bg_selector" android:layout_width="match_parent"
android:layout_height="wrap_parent"/> </RelativeLayout>
Screenshot from simple_sample (US Locale)
Screenshot from simple_sample (GERMAN Locale)
Screenshot from styled_sample with custom fields and selection
Screenshot from simple_sample (Hebrew language)
Licensed under MIT license (c) 2015 Danny Preussler