This is simple mobile application for saving photos or video from Instagram.
Main screen.
Showcases different components that come with the Leanback library for Android TV.
A cute library to implement SearchView in a Material Design Approach.
Library to use Recycler View easily.
Pacman is a lightweight and easy to use Parallel API Calls Manager.
You might need to execute multiple API calls at once to speed up loading of your app and proceed only when you have the data from all the required API calls. Managing this using normal boolean flags or such methods can be a pain and can result to incorrect data or behaviour.
That is where Pacman comes to play, as you just set it up with some CallGroup, make the API calls and then update Pacman as and when you get a response from the call.
After all the calls are done processing, Pacman will fire a callback to an attached listener (which you have set up) and then you have do whatever processing you needed to do after the calls were done.
MeterView is a simple android meter component. It can handle exceeding values also by redrawing the whole scale.
A library to abstract out the preference implementation for Tablets and Phones. It presents a single list of all the preferences on the phone and the usual two pane layout on tablets.