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jimu Mirror provides live, on-device previews of Android layouts. It also allows you to create realistic prototypes of Android native UI without Java code.
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jimu Mirror provides live, on-device previews of Android layouts. It also allows you to create realistic prototypes of Android native UI without Java code.
Kaffeine is a Kotlin-flavored Android library for accelerating development.
Kotlin for Android helps not to write boilerplate code with instantiating abstract or interfaces instances. The purpose of the library is to save time of writing code using Android SDK wrapping as much as possible common functionality.
The library uses one of the coolest feature of the Kotlin language inline almost everywhere, that prevents overhead code.
A collection of Kotlin extensions for Android, based on KotlinAndroidLib and Android Kotlin Extensions.
This library allows you to play Ogg Live Streams on any Android device. It is based on JOrbis so everything is written in Java code.
A library brings numerous handy classes and methods to help us concatenating and performing CRUD SQLs in Android SQLite.
Just a simple pull-down-to-refresh ListView