This project aims to provide FloatingActionButton's speed dial pattern in material design guideline.
This project is inspired by fab-speed-dial and overcomes some issues of it (ex. using private APIs of support library). This library supports landscape mode and also supports CoordinatorLayout
so it works as same as FloatingActionButton
when Snackbar
is shown.
Project build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
App build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.kobakei:MaterialFabSpeedDial:LATEST_VERSION'
You can also use snapshot version.
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.kobakei:MaterialFabSpeedDial:master-SNAPSHOT'
Getting Started
Add to layout file
You can put FabSpeedDial
in your layout XML.
Menu file is as below. Supported attributes of menu are id
, title
, icon
, orderInCategory
, visible
, enabled
. Other attributes will be ignored.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android="">
android:orderInCategory="3"/> </menu>
Or you can set up menu items in Java.
FabSpeedDialMenu menu = new FabSpeedDialMenu(this);
Event listener
You can detect menu open/close event and menu item click event.
fab.addOnStateChangeListener(new FabSpeedDial.OnStateChangeListener() {
public void onStateChange(boolean open) {
// do something
fab.addOnMenuItemClickListener(new FabSpeedDial.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
public void onMenuItemClick(FloatingActionButton fab, TextView textView, int itemId) {
// do something
Attribute | Type | Description | Note |
fab_menu | Menu resource ID | Menu | |
fab_fabBackgroundColor | color int or ColorStateList | Main FAB background color | |
fab_fabDrawable | Drawable | Main FAB drawable | |
fab_fabDrawableTint | color int or ColorStateList | Main FAB drawable tint | |
fab_fabRippleColor | color int | Main FAB ripple color | |
fab_miniFabBackgroundColor | color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB background color | |
fab_miniFabBackgroundColorList | array of color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB background color | Array size must be same as menu item size |
fab_miniFabDrawableTint | color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB drawable tint | |
fab_miniFabDrawableTintList | array of color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB drawable tint | Array size must be same as menu item size |
fab_miniFabRippleColor | color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB ripple color | |
fab_miniFabRippleColorList | array of color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB ripple color | Array size must be same as menu item size |
fab_miniFabTextColor | color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB text color | |
fab_miniFabTextColorList | array of color int or ColorStateList | Mini FAB text color | Array size must be same as menu item size |
fab_miniFabTextBackground | drawable | Mini FAB text background | |
fab_miniFabTextBackgroundList | drawable | Mini FAB text background | Array size must be same as menu item size |
fab_useTouchGuard | boolean | Use touch guard or not | |
fab_touchGuardColor | color int | Touch guard color | Default: #80000000 |
fab_useRippleOnPreLollipop | boolean | Use ripple on pre Lollipop | Default: true |
fab_useRevealEffect | boolean | Use reveal effect of touch guard | Works on API level >= 21. Default: true |
fab_extraMargin | dimension | Extra margin between FABs | All FABs have padding app:useCompatPadding="true" . To reduce space, set negative value. |
attribute is array version of fab_miniFab***
. If you want to set different values to each items, please use fab_miniFab***List
instead of fab_miniFab***
.?Notice that size of resource array must be same as menu item size.
Copyright (c) 2017 Keisuke Kobayashi Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.