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A software analytics tool suite used by developers, ops, and software companies to understand how your applications are performing in development and production.
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A software analytics tool suite used by developers, ops, and software companies to understand how your applications are performing in development and production.
Q & A
Pull to Refresh with automatic load more data.
What this tool can do right now:
It will create the folder structure for the package you provide, then it will read the json at the url you provide, and output java classes into a zip file.
Implementation of a TextView and all its direct/indirect subclasses with native support for the Roboto fonts, includes the brand new Roboto Slab fonts.
Gradle port of Google's SlidingTabLayout to display a custom ViewPager title strip as used in Google I/O Android App, Android SlidingTabsBasic Sample, and Android SlidingTabsColors Sample. It has minor modifications to work from SDK 8
Android's EditText
widget supports formatted (a.k.a., "rich text") editing. It just lacks any way for the user to supply formatting, and it does not provide much in the way of convenience methods for a developer to, say, tie in some sort of toolbar to allow users to format selections.
That's where RichEditText comes in.
is a drop-in replacement for EditText that:
A facade between executing requests and creating them. The library provides an interface for creating requests, but delegates the actual execution to RequestExecutors
. It also generates REST services for you using annotation processing.
Q & A