DISCLAIMER: Do not use this library in real projects. This is made just for fun and it's flawed as hell.
Don't you hate that best part of Android SDK - Fragments, lack a constructor (and few more lifecycle methods)?
Are you tired of writing multiple newInstance( ) methods and those ugly bundles every time?
Here is solution for you! It's called FragmentArgs!
First declare fields that you need in your fragment:
public class SampleFragment extends Fragment {
private int number;
private String text;
Then, tell FragmentArgs to inject your arguments into these fields:
SampleFragment fragment = (SampleFragment) new FragmentArgs(SampleFragment.class)
.setInt("number", 42)
.setString("text", "Hello, World!")
You can pass primitives and objects. Objects won't be recreated (serialized), they will be same instance as passed object.